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About 30 million years ago, the tallest and the most commonly found grass today evolved, which we know as the Bamboo grass. With 91 genera and over 1000 species, it is also the fastest growing woody plant in the world.

In fact, certain species of this tribe can grow 91cm in just a day, at a rate of almost 4cm/ hour.

The best thing about bamboo is that it is so versatile that it can be put to all kinds of uses from making furniture to food. It is enduring, versatile and almost ubiquitous in nature. It can be used as a construction material to craft boats, zeppelins and airplanes. Moreover, most of the modern living rooms in various households are adorned with bamboo crafted furniture like chairs, flooring, door frames, handicraft items, blinds, etc. The pungent flavor of Bamboo is also popular in various kitchens where bamboo shoot is used to make pickles, curries and other delicious cuisines. There are musical instruments made of Bamboo, best example being the oboe, English horn, bassoon and related instruments.

What is fascinating about bamboo is that it grows so fast that bamboo groves are easily replaced making it a renewable resource. It doesn’t contribute to deforestation and absorbs 35% more CO2 per hectare than equivalent trees.

Thus, besides being versatile and strong, it is also environment friendly.

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