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  1. Bamboo is a renewable resource: It is the fastest growing woody plant in the world. It matures quickly in as little as three to five years and much faster than hardwood trees, which can take upwards of twenty years or more to reach maturity.
  2. Greenhouse Effect Management: Bamboo plants release up to 35% more oxygen and absorb more CO2 per hectare than equivalent trees.
  3. Bamboo prevents soil erosion: Bamboo sends out new shoots after each harvest. It holds the soil and protects steep slopes, soils and waterways and prevents soil erosion.
  4. Bamboo has versatile uses: Bamboo is used as a construction material to craft boats, zeppelins and airplanes. Moreover, most of the modern living rooms in various households are adorned with bamboo crafted furniture like chairs, flooring, door frames, etc. The pungent flavour of bamboo is also popular in various kitchens where bamboo shoot is used to make pickles, curries & other delicious cuisines.
  5. Bamboo has numerous healthy properties: The medicinal properties of bamboo are well known since ancient time and well documented in Ayurveda. It has the capacity to block harmful ultraviolet rays from sun. Bamboo shoots have been found to have anti – inflammatory proprieties and are anti oxidants.
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